Your Thoughts Matter
Jan 13, 2025
Hey friends!
Did you know that you have around 60,000 thoughts per day??
These thoughts are like the operating system on your computer. They call the shots, but they are invisible. Often you don’t even know they’re at play beneath the surface of your awareness.
There’s a problem.
You experience some anxiety, lingering doubt or even despair. You look at what’s happening around you and quickly find the circumstance to blame.
In all fairness, there is no shortage of negative, frustrating, unfair, or toxic people or circumstances to incriminate.
But the reality is far more nuanced.
You have far more power than you realize.
ALL the circumstances of your life and career, even the negative ones, are open to interpretation.
Most circumstances don’t come pre-packaged with inherent meaning.
How do we know this is true? Because 100 people could experience identical circumstance and we would get 100 different reactions or interpretations of what happened and why.
This is why “Mastering Your Inner Game” is one of the foundational 6 pillars that you must reckon with if you want a truly prosperous career.
It’s interesting that we often hear top-tier athletes talk about their inner game.
This is because their mental resilience and mental rehearsal, their self-belief, emotional regulation, mindfulness, and presence are all critical components of peak performance.
- If you want to build an exceptional career, you do not have the luxury of indulging in thoughts that undermine your confidence.
- If you want to experience greater confidence, start paying attention to the inner dialogue you’re having with yourself.
- If you’re ready to stop being a victim and reclaim the power that is rightfully yours, it’s time to explore the “operating system” that’s been running in the background of your life.
What are you making the circumstances of your life (or job search) mean about YOU??
Sometimes people want to jump straight to action. I get it. I’m a get-it-done, Type A, kinda gal and I love ACTION.
But can I tell you the truth?
Action without inspiration feels awful.
Action without alignment is not nearly as fun nor effective as action that comes from a deep place of knowing.
It’s like driving with your parking brake on. You’re moving forward, but you feel the resistance. It’s hard to accelerate, even when you’re pushing hard on the gas pedal. Warning lights are coming on, and you might even notice a burning smell.
Our lives are like that too. When you’re out of alignment, when your operating system needs an update, the resistance you feel is real. And if you do this for too long, you’re at risk of internal damage.
Yes, action is required. But let’s make sure it’s inspired action.
Let’s make sure it’s action birthed from a place of knowing, calm, alignment and purpose. Let’s make sure the stories and interpretations you’re giving power to are the ones that you’ve carefully curated and decided upon.
THIS is where all your power resides.
And we need you operating in your full power because the work you have to do in the world matters.
YOU matter.
We need you operating full speed ahead with ease and flow. Energy and engagement are yours for the taking!
This is the work we do in coaching.
THIS is career coaching that leads to confidence, power, and vision.
And you know what happens when you feel confident, powerful and have an inspiring vision of your future that feels possible??
All the strategies and tactics that lead to an effective job search and productive career planning now flow with greater ease.
There’s a smoothness and mastery to the steps of a job search once you’re in alignment.
Whether it’s writing a professional summary, reaching out to someone for information, or going into an interview to talk about yourself, when you’ve mastered your inner game, these steps feel relaxed and easy.
With half the effort and no risk of internal damage, you get twice the result.
If this sounds like work you’d like to do, let’s chat!
In the meantime, if no one has told you today that you matter; and that it is no mistake that you have the skills, interests, and life experiences that you have, please allow me the honor of doing so! I “see” your brilliance. Let’s make sure you see it too!!!
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