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You're Better Than You Think You Are

Jul 28, 2024


Neeti came to me with 2 impressive degrees from elite schools and a solid track record of creating effective partnerships in her role as a Regional Director for a global non-profit.  Although she cared deeply about the mission of the organization, she had a nagging sense that she was behind where she should be by this point in her career. 

She felt stuck, pigeon-holed, and frustrated; and she had no idea if or how she could move forward.  On paper things looked great, but if she was being honest, she dreaded Monday mornings, felt guilty not giving more to her kids, and resented not being promoted.

Perhaps you can relate. 

We live in a pressure cooker world and if you've tasted life at an elite school or in a competitive industry, you know the powerful grip of silent expectations.  You’re familiar with the deadly game of hustle and comparison that wreaks misery on those who get sucked into its ugly vortex.

Some of the things I frequently here are:

  • I should be further along by now.
  • I don't know what to do.
  • The job market is horrible right now.
  • I can see that 100+ people already applied on LinkedIn so why should I bother?
  • I missed my opportunity.
  • I should just be grateful for ______________ (fill in the blank with your favorite guilt-whack of choice).
  • I shouldn't have _________________ (fill in the blank with your deepest career regret).
  • The people I went to school with are so much further along than me.
  • I secretly want to slow down (or be with my kids more; or do something more/less impressive; or switch industries) but I can't.  
  • I'm afraid it won't work.

Perhaps you can feel the palpable disappointment, discouragement, or shame that these statements invoke.  Perhaps these are things you've said to yourself.

Can I tell you that NONE of these statements are the problem?  

The main problem is story you’re telling yourself. 

Think about what you say when you tell someone the details of your situation. 

What you most likely share are not the objective facts of your situation, but rather the unconsciously woven narrative that almost always leaves you feeling stuck and discouraged.

With my client, Neeti, we began to gently pull on some of the threads she had woven into her story.  We examined the ones that were causing her pain and keeping her stuck. 

Slowly, she began to see that the “facts” she was reporting to me with as much conviction as one would declare that it was raining outside, were actually interpretations or half-truths at best.

Neeti began to see that she had the power to tell a different version of her story.  She remembered that she always figured things out.  She realized she had multiple options available to her, and she had overcome much harder circumstances in the past.  She began looking for role models of women who were embracing motherhood unapologetically while also doing meaningful work in the world.

She decided that she was right where she was supposed to be, and she had the ability to go after what she wanted.  If she was going to tell a story, it may as well be one that makes her feel good!

As she became aware of the ways she had unconsciously adopted other people’s versions of success as her own, she was able to release her grip on these unrelenting taskmasters in her mind.  Neeti decided to write and meditate on her own unique version of success.

Shifting the story she was telling herself was all she needed to regain hopeful, confident energy.  She found herself surprisingly excited to reach out to a few connections working in the area she wanted to move into.  She started SEEING herself as the success-story she was.

--Being able to gain awareness of the unconscious story you’re telling yourself, along with all the limiting beliefs lodged inside it, is profound and freeing work. 

--It’s the first step toward achieving your ideal life WITH EASE instead of with hustle and grind.

What story are you telling these days?

Can I tell you that you are better than you think you are? 

Your potential dazzles me. 

You’re capable of so much more than you think.

  • How would your story sound if YOU were the hero of your story?
  • What thoughts could you intentionally curate that would keep you grounded in your own knowing and confidence?
  • What if you strengthen your ability to have your own back no matter what?

Speaking from personal experience, this work is almost impossible to do on your own.  It’s incredibly difficult to “see” your own stories.  Working with my own coach has enabled me to shed old identities that no longer serve me.  Within the safe container of coaching, I was given the priceless gift of a window into my own thinking.  This provided the space I needed to make significant shifts that opened the way for inspired actions to flow with greater ease.  

How about you? 

If you don’t already have a coach or a community that’s helping you do this powerful work, I would be so honored to serve you in this way.  It’s time for you to step into your most compelling, satisfying, and impactful chapter to date. 

You are so much better than you think you are.

Let’s go!

Reach out today


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