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You Are Not Dreaming Big Enough

Jun 30, 2024

How often do you allow yourself to consider what’s possible for your life? 

How big do you let yourself dream? 

If you’re like most people, the answer is, “Not much.” 

There’s a level of discomfort or even embarrassment that comes along with the idea of considering what you really want.  Negative thoughts creep in the shadows of your mind.  Fear or doubt become the hidden rudder that keeps you on course with the expected norms for your life. 

But if you’re ready to break this pattern, if there’s something stirring inside of you that just knows you could do more, be more….

then considering what’s POSSIBLE for your life is the essential first step.

After coaching hundreds and hundreds of high achieving professionals, I can confidently tell you:

You are not dreaming big enough! 

Crazy idea, eh? 

You’ve already accomplished so much. 

And yet…

You know you’ve got more in you.  You sense that you could increase your impact, take that next step, or go after what would truly make your heart sing. 

You can almost taste it.

Allowing yourself to play in the realm of possibilities is your first step.  Nothing can be accomplished without imagining it first.

How would you finish the following sentences?

  • Wouldn’t it be great if ________________. 
  • I could maybe ______________________.
  • You know, what I’d really love to do is  ________________________.

Spend some time imagining what’s possible for your life and career. 

Once you’ve identified a few things you’d like, go there in your mind.  

How does it feel?  

How are you different?  

Get familiar with the YOU that is in the future.  

How does she act?  

What does he do differently?  

How does she walk into the room?  

Lean into that person. 

This is important because pushing the boundaries of

  • your impact,
  • your voice,
  • your leadership, or
  • your accomplishments

requires an up leveling of your identity. 


THIS is where the work of creation happens.


Harvard Future Self Researcher and Psychologist, Dan Gilbert, says that the more connected you are to your future self, the more you adjust in the present to match that. 

Curating a compelling vision for your future is essential.  What’s the greater impact you could be having and who would you need to BE to pull that off with ease?  Lock into that vision.  Practice it.  Start to live from that future place.

This is the art of creating from your future self. 

It’s the only place we can create from if we want something different from the past.   If you’re fixed on the past, you’ll only create more of what you’ve already gotten.  This is why it’s essential to not allow your past with both its limitations and accomplishments to define what's possible for you.  You can never create looking out of the rearview mirror.  Instead, brush off your imagination.  Get in touch with your true desires.

It all starts in your beautiful mind.

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