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Your Upper Limit ProblemΒ 

mindset self-sabotage upperlimit May 15, 2023

On the long flight from LA to Boston, I settled in to read a book my coach had just given me, The Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks.  In it, the author describes the ‘inner thermostat’ each of us has for what feels normal and ‘right’ to be, do and have.   

When our results are below what we’re used to, we easily kick it into gear to get back into our zone of comfort.  No problem there.  BUT, when our lives get bigger than what we’re used to, this can bizarrely lead to uncomfortable feelings.  

When we start to achieve the very impact, success, creativity, abundance, joy, time, or love we say we want, not far behind it marches the uncomfortable feeling that something is not quite right. Not only is something wrong, but we are wrong.  Imposter syndrome rears its ugly head.  The red flag of guilt starts to wave.  These are all tell-tale signs that we have collided with our upper limit problem.    

The problem?  This collision with our upper limit leads to an unconscious pulling back or self-sabotaging to re-establish equilibrium and feel ‘normal’ once again.  What a crazy cycle we unknowingly participate in?! 

Can you observe this pattern in your own life?  Have you ever started to achieve some traction or success in an area of your life only to pull back, play small, or reverse course?  If so, then you’ve experienced a head-on collision with your upper limit problem! 

The good news?  The upper limit problem DISSOVLES in the face of awareness.  The minute we begin noticing this pattern, we’ve just gained the upper hand.   

  • Start noticing the places in your life where your ‘inner thermostat’ is set to a temperature that no longer serves you.   
  • Where does your current capacity exceed past levels of accomplishment?   
  • How can you acknowledge the uncomfortable feelings but keep going anyway? 

What I know for sure is that you have WAY MORE potential inside of you than you are currently tapping!  What would be possible if you played full-out?    

Need some help working on all this?  Feeling stuck?  Ready to up your game and accomplish more than you ever thought possible?  Reach out at [email protected] and let's get started!

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