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4 Essential Steps to Successful Job Searching

job search May 15, 2023

You want to get to the top of the mountain as quickly as possible.   

Would you rather… 

Climb a long, steep incline 


Catch a trolley car to the top? 

When it comes to job searching, did you know that hunting for openings online, submitting resumes and cover letters, even ones with all the right key words, and waiting for a response is a bit like taking the hardest, uphill path to getting a job.  You might get there eventually, but there are far better ways to go! 

While the internet remains a key tool in any job search, applying to openings you find online is reactive and is the LEAST effective and MOST confidence-crushing way to job search; and YET it’s the #1 go-to strategy of most job seekers.   

Not only are approximately 80% of job openings never posted, but the ease of applying online means that companies are inundated with applicants, many of which never get looked at.  

Time for a new approach!  Connecting with people (aka Networking) is your trolley car to the top.  Effective networking is the process of building authentic, long-term professional relationships.   

Far from the salesy image of taking advantage of people, this type of relationship-building is about joining a conversation that is already taking place. Whatever the issue you care about, whatever the problem you hope to solve, there are already people involved in doing this work!  Your job is to figure  

Here are 4 Steps to get you to that trolley car: 

  1. Get Curious:  What industries or organizations fascinate you?  What people are doing work you’d love to know more about?  Who are the ‘thought leaders’ in your areas of interest?  By following your curiosity, you stay rooted in confidence, bring positive energy to your interactions, and more easily add value! 
  1. Research:  Create a target list of people and organizations that fall in your areas of interest.  Start with the ones you already know about.  Look them up on LinkedIn and then notice on the right-hand side the “Affiliated pages,” “Pages people also viewed,” and “People also follow.”  LinkedIn will suggest similar organizations (and people) to look at.  Click on the organizations “People” tab.  Search and look through their employees on LinkedIn.  Who would you love to have a conversation with? 
  1. Talk to People:  While it may seem counter-intuitive, your goal for these conversations is NOT to ask for a job.  Your goal is to get to know someone who shares your interests and potential expertise.  Your goal is to have a great connection.  Your goal is to share some of what you uncovered in Step 1.  Authentically sharing your skills and goals can draw people to you.  Some questions to consider asking –  
  • Where would you see someone like me fitting in your organization/industry?   
  • What organizations are known for doing great work in this area?  
  • Who else would you recommend I talk to?   
  • What recommendations would you have for me as I try to move into this area?   
  1. Repeat Steps 1-3:  This iterative process is one that you’ll repeat throughout your professional life.  Have fun with it, get curious, and go build your network! 


Need some help working on all this?  Feeling stuck?  Ready to up your game and accomplish more than you ever thought possible? Reach out at [email protected] and let's get started!

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