🚀Jill’s Journey to Success (And Yours!)
Jan 06, 2025
Jill was miserable.
She wasn’t sleeping at night. She frequently had bouts of anxiety and depression.
As the Controller for a mid-market company with $50 million in annual revenue, she dealt with continual fears of being “found out” that she had “no idea what she was doing.”
The truth was far more nuanced.
Jill had every credential and pedigree you would expect a seasoned Controller to have She’s crazy smart and exceptional at solving complex problems. She had the experience and training to do this work.
The problem?
This was not the work her soul was longing to do. And it was crushing her.
The layers of guilt and shame for all the time and money she invested in a career she didn’t even want ran deep.
Weary and beat down, Jill reached out to me because she was no longer willing or able to push past the signs her body was giving. The distress she felt in her body was palpable.
Together, we began to un-earth the superpowers in her that were refusing to be ignored.
Superpowers are kind of like that. They rattle around demanding to be unleashed. The deeper they’re buried, the more havoc they’ll cause.
We made sense of where she got off track and why (all very honorable and understandable reasons). This clarity was priceless for bringing compassion to herself, along with a sincere appreciation for all she had accomplished.
Armed with a better understanding of her strengths, talents, interests, and values, Jill began to create, explore, and research options that would provide the coveted ease and energy that alignment brings.
Not wanting to throw her background out completely, she considered ancillary roles and stress-tested her top possibilities.
Some were eliminated for practical reasons, like the salary band was too low or the location was off the table. Others held more promise, but after some conversations with people in these roles, she realized the day in/day out wasn’t what she wanted.
Finally, with a lot of networking under her belt, she identified her target role, built a substantive list of companies, and nurtured every connection she could think of that would help pave the way for this career side-step.
I’m pleased to say that last week, Jill accepted a director-level operational role (yep, right smack dab during Christmas week. Hiring still happens!). We are celebrating together, and Jill is excited (and relieved) to start 2025 off in a better place.
While the re-telling of her journey (shared with permission and a few key details changed to protect her privacy) makes this sound like a smooth-sailing journey, I would be remiss if I didn’t say this was more like the start/stop/up/down jerky ride of an old wooden roller coaster.
Was it hard? YES.
Were there some tears along the way? ABSOLUTELY.
Did she have to re-wire some beliefs that were holding her back? OF COURSE.
Did she encounter rejection? YOU BETCHA.
Was it worth it? WITHOUT A DOUBT!
So, how about you??
- Do you enjoy your current role (most of the time)?
- Do you have the opportunity to play to your strengths (most days)?
- Does your position fit the broader arc of where you want your career to go?
- Do you know what type of work feeds your sense of purpose?
You are meant to thrive! And this includes your work life.
If you’d like to experience more ease and joy in your career, or just want a refresh of what to be paying attention to as you enter 2025, I hope you’ll consider joining me Friday, January 10th, from 12-1 pm EST for a free webinar!
Of all the things I teach, what I'll be covering in this upcoming webinar is what I wish I could share with EVERY SINGLE PERSON who has a career and wants to grow their clarity, confidence, and know-how to build an amazing career. I'm casting a broad net here, but this is how critical I think this information is!
Check out the details and register here: https://webinar.careerplanningstudio.com/6-pillars
Let’s get you on track for your best year to date!
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