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I Hate Goal Setting (But I Love my Future Self!)

creating change future self goal setting Jul 09, 2023


I’ve never been a fan of setting goals. 

Setting “SMART” goals is a widely recognized framework for developing clear objectives, tracking progress, and improving outcomes.  The acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant/Realistic, and Time-bound.  Perhaps you too have been asked to write performance goals using this formula.  Or perhaps you’ve adopted this framework for your latest fitness or financial goals.   

But SMART goals have always felt like a bit of trickery to me.  The flawed premise underlying goal setting, just like with diets, is that things are not okay the way they are.  That YOU are not ok the way you are.  Goals are only set for things you want to change.  Setting goals seems like just a more sophisticated way of saying, “You suck.  So, get with the program and will-power your way to change.”

Goal setting subtly keeps your attention focused on what is; you are securely grounded in the present moment. This is a problem because when it comes to creating different results, your starting point matters A LOT.  You may have heard the saying, “Whatever you focus on expands.”  Well, it turns out there is some truth to it, and it’s not just some woo-woo stuff. 

Our attention, our words, and the thoughts that proceed those words have a profound impact on how we feel about ourselves, our jobs, our futures, and just about every other aspect of our lives.  Setting goals to improve our performance can backfire if the very process of setting these goals keeps our focus firmly planted in what we lack.

There’s a better way. 

  • What if we flipped this whole goal-setting thing on its head?
  • What if we leveraged the power of our imaginations to envision the future we want?
  • What if we imagine the future results we want as something we already embody, have, or do?

I call this working from the inside out. 

Instead of focusing on what you want to change, imagine who you need to BE to create the result you desire.  Any kind of change happens with more ease and sustainability when we put the who before the how.    

Your Future Self Goal-Setting Method:

  • Can you ‘see’ your future self in your mind’s eye?
  • What does achieving your goal FEEL like?

Activate those feelings as if this is already your reality.  Adopt the feelings of your future reality as if it’s already here.  Practice the thoughts and enjoy the feelings you would have if your future goals were already yours.

This is the secret sauce to effortless and inspired actions flowing naturally out of who you are.

Why does this work?  Because everything is created twice.  Just like a blueprint is drawn up before construction begins, if you can create what you want vividly and with certainty on the inside, you are more likely to create it on the outside. 

Harvard Psychologist and Future-Self Researcher, Dan Gilbert, says the more connected you are to your future self, the more you adjust in the present to match that.

Once you nurture and practice the thoughts and feelings you’ll have when that promotion finally happens, you start to carry yourself differently in the present moment.  You make decisions and prioritize tasks in a way that naturally flows out of how you’re thinking and feeling. 

Your actions start to align with who you see yourself to be.  And, interestingly, others start to see you that way as well (which, hint hint, increases the likelihood of you getting promoted!)

So, what’s your experience with goal setting?  Do you relate to the ease of starting with the internal calibration to your future self?  Or does the SMART goals framework work for you?  I’d love to hear your thoughts! 

As adults, we don’t often allow ourselves to use our imaginations, so don’t be surprised if this feels a bit silly at first!  Allow yourself a bit of childlike fun with this.  Envisioning your ideal future is a powerful tool for allowing the outcomes you want to flow naturally out of who you are. 

Here are 3 steps:

(1) Authentically imagine how you will feel and think once you’ve achieved your desired outcome;

(2) Write those feelings and thoughts down in the present tense, as if they are already your reality.  You may have to play around with these to make sure they are feelings and thoughts that you can truly hold and lean into.

(3) Practice these daily through reflection, journaling, and meditation.


SMART Goal:  I want to increase my sales by 30% in the next 8 weeks by spending 60 minutes/day learning about social media marketing and deploying 5 new strategies each week.

Future Self:  I love the energy of creating relevant and inspiring content for my audience.  People love my posts and I’m always coming up with creative new ideas.  It’s been fun seeing how I have pulled my team into this process. Helping them succeed is deeply satisfying to me, and our numbers are higher than I ever thought they could be!

SMART Goal:  I want to lose 10 lbs in the next 16 weeks so that I feel better physically and have energy to play with my kids.  I will use my treadmill for 30 minutes every morning before work.

Future Self:  I love my amazing body just the way it is, and I tenderly give it the care it needs.  I am healthy and stronger than I’ve ever been.  I can’t believe I walked every day this past week.  I love being active.  I nourish my body with healthy foods.

SMART Goal:  I’m going to write a 60,000-word novel in 6 months, finishing on June 30th. I will do this by writing 2,500 words per week.

Future Self: The launch of my first novel was amazing.  I am a published author.  Not only did it feel so good to ship this off to my editor, but I was so pleased to see how quickly it all came together.  I am proud of my book.  What an accomplishment!  I am grateful!


Working with a coach is an incredible help when it comes creating a clear vision of your future self.  Don't have a coach?  I'd be honored to be your coach and help you overcome any roadblocks to you creating your best and highest vision for your life!   Reach out at [email protected] and let's get started!  I've got you!

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