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Exceptional Careers are Built from the Inside Out

career growth May 15, 2023

Exceptional Careers are Built from the Inside Out 

If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that life is too short to dread going to work.  One third of your life is spent at work. 

  • How’s this going for you?  
  • How has the pandemic shifted your goals, priorities and desires?   
  • What’s changed?   
  • What’s stayed the same?    
  • What’s holding you back? 

Deepening your self-awareness and fostering your personal growth is foundational to building an exceptional career.    

Both leading well and working well are built upon the bedrock of how well you know yourself and can steer your career in directions that play to your greatest strengths and deepest joys.  

The key to career satisfaction is making sure that at least a portion of your day requires the use of the skills and strengths that you most enjoy using.   

These are the skills and strengths that energize you.  The ones you can’t NOT use.  It’s like the air you breathe.  It’s just who you are.  

Life is too short.  The stakes are too high.   

You’ve got important work to do in this world.  And we need you now more than ever!   

Don’t ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.   

Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.   

– Rev. Howard Thurman 

Need some help working on all this?  Feeling stuck?  Ready to up your game and accomplish more than you ever thought possible?  Reach out at [email protected] and let's get started!


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