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Beyond Imposter Syndrome: 2 Powerful Strategies

imposter syndrome May 15, 2023

If you’re like most professionals, grad students, and, well, humans, you sometimes struggle with self-doubt or imposter syndrome.  In fact, studies suggest that over 70% of people experience feeling like a fraud at various points in their careers.  If you experience imposter syndrome, you’re in surprisingly good company.  Michelle Obama, John Steinbeck, Maya Angelou, Sonia Sotomayor, Jody Foster and Lady Gaga are just a few of the well-known superstars who have confessed to fears of being “found out.”   

Not only is imposter syndrome surprisingly common among high achievers, but the results of imposter syndrome can also be exhausting!  Time spent over-preparing and over-working to make up for perceived deficiencies is only off set by the equally self-sabotaging spiral of procrastination, perfectionism, and Netflix binges. 

While much has been written about imposter syndrome, I would like to offer two simple strategies when you find yourself feeling like you don’t belong where you are: 

1.  Consider that it’s time to recalibrate your identity.  As you advance in your education, title and scope of responsibilities, your accomplishments can often outpace your self-concept.  Consider that imposter syndrome is just a mismatch between your current level of success and how you see yourself (your identity). Are you a first-generation college/grad student?  Is your gender, race, or ethnicity not represented well in the arenas in which you find yourself?  Are you achieving higher levels and finding it a bit uncomfortable?  If any of this resonates with you, consider tuning into any unconscious, internal beliefs that may be at odds with the external realities of your performance and circumstances.   

Here are some questions to reflect on as you begin the recalibration process: 

-How would it feel if you were 100% worthy and qualified to be right where you are?

-How would it feel to be the one holding authority or power (in the best sense of those words)? 

-Imagine yourself as fully embodying the role you’re in or the position you’re targeting.  How does that feel?  How do you want to feel?  Write down these feeling words and practice feeling this way.  Meditation is a great tool for this!  Pay attention to where any resistance shows up and compassionately let go of any thoughts that aren’t serving you.


2.  Take stock of your achievements and celebrate your wins. 
High achieving individuals are notorious for blowing past their accomplishments.  Do you push hard to accomplish something and then barely give it a moment’s notice before hustling toward the next goal post?  Slow down.  Look at all you’ve accomplished.  You may not have reached the summit, but wow, look at the view from here!   

  1. Take an audit of your academic, professional and life accomplishments.  What are you most proud of?  Write these down, add to the list as you go along, and celebrate YOU! 
  2. Ask some trusted friends or colleagues what strengths they see in you.  Practice “owning” or receiving this positive feedback. 
  3. What pictures, awards, or visual reminders could you place around your workspace to remind you of all your wins?
  4. Remember, perfection isn’t the goal.  It never was and never will be.  What would you do differently if you knew that in real life, done is better than perfect?  

    Need some help working on all this?  Feeling stuck?  Ready to up your game and accomplish more than you ever thought possible? Reach out at [email protected] and let's get started! 

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